
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

MTV Reveals Ghostly Secrets Behind 'Paranormal Activity 2'

Happy Halloween week! In honor of the spooky celebrations, let's discuss a scary movie.

'Paranormal Activity 2' director Tod Williams revealed to MTV five secrets about the movie. Not only was I attracted to the title, but the format made the article super easy to read and more structurally organized. I think this is the best way to do this with the article. Not overwhelming, not boring.

Also, a creepy, open-ended photo accompanies the story, and it leaves me aching to find out what is actually going on. I must say, all the photos from this movie make me shiver.

What I thought worked the best with this article was the use of an interview with the director. The video of the interview is placed right in the article and covers all the material that could be read. This is perfect for people who don't feel like reading and want a more leisurely way of getting the news.

Spoiler alert! This MTV article does, however, contain a few glimpses into startling, scary moments. If you want the full, pee-in-your-pants experience, I would suggest not reading it until after you see the movie. I think the spoilers are ok for this article because it is targeted towards people who have seen the movie already. The article makes much more sense for people who know the scenes they are talking about.


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